
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Self Interest as Proper Motivation

As people living in our convoluted times - it is in our best interest to recognize reality for what it is. To, at all times, work hard to see and acknowledge true, naked reality - even if it is difficult to look at. Self-interest is one such topic. Humans are, and have always been best motivated by self-interest. If we can recognize that basic fact - we can work with it and design strategies that work within those constraints. Altruism is, for many people a way to earn instant nobility or the shallow praise of others; and if we're able to examine our motivations these would be recognized as selfish acts (which is not a bad thing).

I believe it is better to work from a position of honesty and make sustainability something that people should desire from a profit motive: profitable to our characters, profitable to our sense of being, profitable to our families and yes, even our financial interests.  Asking people to sacrifice themselves for "the greater good" is rightly viewed with suspicion, because whenever there is somebody asking for, or demanding a sacrifice, there is always an elite group somewhere benefiting from that sacrifice. But when people can do something for themselves, their motivation is in keeping with their innate characters. This is a principle that has been rigorously explored throughout history in many religions and philosophies; and as it was recognized then, it should be recognized today. To say "I desire: is the most basic of human acts and has driven humans to make their lives better, to invent, to create beautiful things. People cannot be forced or led by guilt to create and invent. Creativity springs from desire not guilt.

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