Yes it’s Earth Day once again (praise be to Gaia), and as I was listening to some "man on the street" type commentary on the radio, I was struck by the remarkable similarities between global environmentalism and certain religions. And since every religion has to have a catchy name - let's call this new religion, the Church of the Acceptance of Global Environmentalism (CAGE). This “newly” revealed path to enlightenment comes through the acceptance of the ministry of global environmental activism.
When we compare the new religion with, say, the Catholic Church circa 18th century (post inquisition); we see that both of these religions have a Pontiff (Pope Benedict and Al Gore) and even an Anti-Pope George Souros, various high priests, and doctrine which they claim is infallible (similar to Islam). To argue against this doctrine marks you as an apostate, heretic or infidel and subject to, at the very least ridicule and professional scorn. Like the old Popes of Italy’s city-states they have goon-armies led by wild-eyed, zealot, generals (Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid) willing and eager to crush the enemies of the new faith.
They both have claims which are, for the most part, only substantiated by questionable science, based on fraudulent data (a bit like creationism) which must be accepted on FAITH. The new religion claims that man is the creator of his own downfall and that "in the beginning" the world/earth/Gaia was perfect (aka without the corruption of MAN), and that humans through the sin of waste will bring about a final “Armageddon” which normally involves floods, hurricanes, rising seas, disasters, and other really scary things.
The threat of disaster is always meant to drive the non-believers into the pews, and to convert the infidels. This in-turn leads to more alms/confiscatory taxes and eventually returns to the people in the form of new grants for innovative alternative energy and “sustainable communities” – “god be praised”.
This also means that salvation may be had too – but to gain salvation one must repent – in this case repentance is not an act of prayer, but is instead an act of accepting the sacraments of nihilism. A Penitent can demonstrate their “right thinking” through various means, such as: membership in an approved environmental cause (preferably one with a good grounding in environmental evangelism you may know this as guilt peddling), recycling, composting, riding mass transit, the wearing of the holy hemp vestments and the sacred patchouli oil, and of course in acknowledging the inherent evil of birth and human procreation.
Of course, the higher orders of the religion all know that the true purpose of the new Church of Global Environmentalism is not to remake the earth in the image of HER/Gaia, but is rather to cast down the evil of Capitalism and replace it with the new social order of “Collectivism”. Thereby creating a New Order, also called the Hope and Change to Nirvana. Call it what you will, Collectivism is known by many names: progressivism, socialism, communism, fascism; it does not matter what you name it, it is still the same tired old dogma of Marks, Engle and Lenin the result is the same. In the end Collectivism in all its hydra-like manifestations results in a few certain outcomes; the elimination of individual liberty, thought, self-expression and freedom. And in many cases, the mass murder of tens of millions of slavish subjects (See 20th century history).
In this state of “collectivist nirvana” all self-expression, and individual liberty is subservient to the “good of the community” whatever that vacuous term means (nobody has ever defined it). In this state, bliss is attained through the subjugation of personal desire to the good of the society. Of course the “good” of the society is an ever-shifting point which is manipulated by a few elite puppet masters. It has ever been so – Amen Brothers and Sisters.
S.C. Ackert
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